Lesley Roy 2021-ųjų eurovizijoje

Nuotaikai » Eurovizija » Naujienos » 2021 » Apie » Dalyviai » Grojaraštis » Praeitis

Airija (Ireland) - Lesley Roy


Lesley Roy (gimė 1986-09-17)

Pasirodys pirmajame pusfinalyje. Pasirodymo Nr.: 07

  Eurovizijos dainos "MAPS" žodžiai.

I’m gonna let, down all the armour,
Let out the power, that I’ve been hiding,
Not afraid, of the monsters,
Of the nightmares, that I’ve been fighting.
Easy to run, harder to stay,
Finding colours in the grey,
Thought I was done, but I got it wrong,
I fell twice, I’m twice as strong
I’ve been searching all the wrong places,
I’ve been trying too many faces,
Only one way to go,
This is the way back home.
(I ) had to take, all of the long ways,
All the wrong ways, cause I couldn’t see,
All the signs, all of the mistakes,
Pointing one way, to get back to me.
It’s easy to run, harder to stay,
Finding colours in the grey,
Thought I was done, but I got it wrong,
I fell twice, I’m twice as strong.
I’ve been searching all the wrong places,
I’ve been trying too many faces,
Only one way to go,
This is the way back home.
I’ve been searching all the wrong places,
I’ve been trying too many faces,
Only one way to go,
This is the way back home.
My soul is a map,
My heart is a compass,
I am the road.
There’s only one way to go,
This is the way back home.
My soul is a map,
My heart is a compass,
I am the road.
There’s only one way to go,
This is the way back home.
I’ve been searching all the wrong places,
I’ve been trying too many faces,
Only one way to go,
This is the way back home.
I’ve been searching all the wrong places,
I’ve been trying too many faces,
Only one way to go,
This is the way back home.

Lesley Roy | Eurovija 2021
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Įrašoma tik pirmą Jūsų nuomonė.
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