» Lake Malawi 2019-ųjų eurovizijoje

 TOP meniu » Pradžia » Nuotaikai » Eurovizija » Apie » 2019 » Dalyviai » Grojaraštis » Rezultatas » Praeitis

Čekija (Czech Republic) - Lake Malawi


Tai muzikinė trijų vyrukų grupė iš Tršineco, Čekija, susikūrusi 2013 metais - vokalistas, gitaristas ir klavišininkas Albert Černý, bosistas ir klavišininkas Jeroným Šubrt ir būgnininkas Antoninas Hrabalas.

  Eurovizijos dainos "Friend of a Friend" žodžiai.
Can you hear it?
There’s someone behind the wall making the same sounds
Can you hear it?
It sounds like you and me when we’re making love
Who is it?
You said you wish they weren’t taking such a long time

She was my neighbour when we were thirteen
She moved back in
There’s not much between us now
Do you know what I mean?

She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend
She’s never home ’cause she plays in a band
I don’t know if you’d understand
She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend
I had a dream that she walked through the door
I can’t recall her name anymore
Please believe me, I’m your man
She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend
(I’m only a friend)

Can you feel it?
There’s someone sliding up and down the ceiling
Breathing, he is synchronizing with her beating heart
(With her beating heart)

She was my neighbour when we were thirteen
She moved back in
There’s not much between us now
Do you know what I mean?

She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend
She’s never home ’cause she plays in a band
I don’t know if you’d understand
She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend
I had a dream that she walked through the door
I can’t recall her name anymore
Please believe me, I’m your man
She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend
(I’m only a friend)
(I’m only a friend)
She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend
She’s never home ’cause she plays in a band
I don’t know if you’d understand
She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend
I had a dream that she walked through the door
I can’t recall her name anymore
Please believe me, I’m your man
She’s only a friend of a friend of a friend
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 NAUJAUSI straipsniai

 DĖMESIO! Jei radote netikslumų, ar radote tai ko neturėtų čia būti, ar žinote (jei nenurodyta) dainos autorių, atlikėją, ar norėtute pasidalinti savos kūrybos dainomis - brūkštelkit mums :))