Šveicarija (Switzerland) - Gjon’s Tears
• Pasirodys antrajame pusfinalyje. Pasirodymo Nr.: 16
Eurovizijos dainos "Tout l’Univers" žodžiai.
Let the wind brush
His/her hand over my shoulder
The void in my head
Not a single place to hide
The dawn is fading
Behind a field of ruins
It’s time to grow up
Don’t hold yourself back
I see pieces of you behind us
And I see what pain has made of me
The whole universe
Our two hearts under the ground
At the centre of the rifts where everything explodes
Being at the point of impact
Without you
What will happen to our breaths
If they stay on the shore?
This love that wrings us out
I see pieces of you behind us
And I see what pain has made of me
The whole universe
Our two hearts under the ground
At the centre of the rifts where everything explodes
Being at the point of impact
Without you
Behind my eyelids
Get some air
(The whole universe)
(Our two hearts under the ground)
At the centre of the rifts and the aftershocks
We will meet at the point of impact
How can we heal our exploding hearts
The whole universe
... Išbandžiau nudažyti kiaušinius džiovintomis šeivamedžio uogomis.. tikėjausi rausvai violetinės spalvos ar nors kažko pan., bet rezultatas labai nustebino.. gavosi švelnių spalvų kiaušiniai.. pilka..
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