» Måneskin 2021-ųjų eurovizijoje

 TOP meniu » Pradžia » Nuotaikai » Eurovizija » Apie » 2021 » Dalyviai » Grojaraštis » Rezultatas » Praeitis

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Italija (Italy) - Måneskin

  • Iš kart pasirodys finale
    Valstybė priklauso didžiajam penketui - t.y. didžiausiomis sumomis „Euroviziją” finansuojančios šalys: Jungtinė karalystė, Vokietija, Prancūzija, Ispanija bei Italija.
  Eurovizijos dainos "Zitti E Buoni" žodžiai.
They don’t know what I am talkin’ about
Dirty clothes, bro, muddy clothes
Yellow ‘cig stains on my finger
I am walkin’ with my ‘cig
Excuse me, but I truly believe
That I can make this jump
And even if the road is uphill
That’s why I am training now
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
Bring out the actors
You’d better not make anymore mistakes
You’d better be quiet and behave
Around here, there are strange people-like dealers
Too many nights I’ve spent locked outside
Now I’m kicking these doors
Eyes up like climbers
So excuse me mum if I’m always out, but
I’m out of my mind, but different from them
And you are out of your mind, but different from them
We are out of our minds, but different from them
We are out of our minds, but different from them
I’ve written pages and pages, I’ve seen the salt then the tears
These machine-men not climbing the rapids
I’ve written on a tombstone, in my house there’s no God
But if you find the sense of time you’ll climb out of your oblivion
And there’s no wind stopping the natural power
From the right point of view you feel the thrill of the wind
With wax wings on my back I’ll seek that high
If you want to stop me try again, try cutting my head off because
I’m out of my mind, but different from them
And you are out of your mind, but different from them
We are out of our minds, but different from them
We are out of our minds, but different from them
They talk, unfortunately people talk
They don’t know what they talk about
You, bring me where I stay afloat
Cause here i can’t breathe
They talk, unfortunately people talk
They don’t know what they are talkin’ about
You, bring me where I stay afloat
Cause here I can’t breathe
They talk, unfortunately people talk
They don’t know what they are talkin’ about
You, bring me where I stay afloat
Cause here I can’t breathe
But I’m out of my mind, but different from them
And you are out of your mind, but different from them
We are out of our minds, but different from them
We are out of our minds, but different from them
We’re different from them
Måneskin | Eurovija 2021
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 NAUJAUSI straipsniai

 DĖMESIO! Jei radote netikslumų, ar radote tai ko neturėtų čia būti, ar žinote (jei nenurodyta) dainos autorių, atlikėją, ar norėtute pasidalinti savos kūrybos dainomis - brūkštelkit mums :))