Jendrik 2021-ųjų eurovizijoje

Nuotaikai » Eurovizija » Naujienos » 2021 » Apie » Dalyviai » Grojaraštis » Praeitis

Vokietija (Germany) - Jendrik

Iš kart pasirodys finale
Valstybė priklauso didžiajam penketui - t.y. didžiausiomis sumomis „Euroviziją” finansuojančios šalys: Jungtinė karalystė, Vokietija, Prancūzija, Ispanija bei Italija.

  Eurovizijos dainos "I Don’t Feel Hate" žodžiai.

I don’t feel hate
I just feel sorry
you feel so very clever whenever you find another way to wear me down
But I don’t feel hate
I just feel sorry
so you can wiggle with that middle finger it’ll never wiggle back to you
’cause i don’t feel
I really don’t care that you want to bash me
do it with flair and I’ll let you be
(I’ll let you be common Eileen)
but don’t you dare, mmm, to get angry when you realise those words just don’t hit me (whaaat?)
Cause I don’t feel hate
I just feel sorry
you feel so very clever whenever you find another way to wear me down
But I don’t feel hate
I just feel sorry
so you can wiggle with that middle finger it’ll never wiggle back to you
’cause i don’t feel
I really don’t mind to be your rival
cause for your kind it’s essential for survival (say what)
(he did not just say that)
yes I did, and I feel sorry, I don’t feel hate, that’s the whole point of the song
I guess you need patronization
as some kind of validation:
you won’t cope with the frustration
that your random me-fixation
is another affirmation
that you’re just a hateful person who’s not really better than me!
(trumpet and whistle duet)
(tap break)
(I don’t feel hate)
I don’t feel hate
(I just feel sorry)
I just feel sorry
(you feel so very clever whenever you find another way to wear me down)
Meine Damen und Herren das war’s mit “I Don’t Feel Hate” ich hoffe Sie haben noch ein derbe nices Leben und bis bald.
(but I don’t feel hate)
No no no no
(I just feel sorry)
I just feel sorry
(you feel so very clever whenever you find another way to wear me down)
don’t wear me down
(I don’t feel hate)
I don’t feel hate
(I just feel sorry)
I just feel sorry
(so you can wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle you)
wiggle wiggle wiggle you
‘cause I Don’t feel

Jendrik | Eurovija 2021
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